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  • Ajjiliurlagit (“Let me take your picture”)
Ajjiliurlagit (“Let me take your picture”)
We imagine the hunter Joseph Idlout (1912/13 – 1968) using this phrase often.
Photographs in the exhibition, Ajjiliurlagit: The Photographs of Joseph Idlout, are organized thematically around Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ) principles. We highlight seven of the eight key IQ principles. Another principle, Aajiiqatigiinniq (decision making through discussion and consensus), is more challenging to visualize but this principle is also referenced in the other themes. We are guided by the Government of Nunavut, Department of Culture and Heritage’s Division of Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit and its guidelines.

Augatnaaq Eccles is originally from Rankin Inlet (Kangiq&liniq), Nunavut, and a student at Carleton University completing her Bachelor of Arts Honours, Major in History. 

Dr. Carol Payne is a Professor of Art History at Carleton University and historian of photography.  Among other publications, she is the co-editor (with Beth Greenhorn, Deborah Kigjugalik Webster, and Dr. Christina Williamson) of Atiqput: Inuit Oral History and Project Naming. (McGill-Queen’s University Press, August 2022). 

Learning Resources

A guide and accompanying presentation have been developed for educators to bring Ajjiliurlagit to their classrooms. Included is a teacher’s guide which provides a brief overview of the exhibition and a lesson plan that includes questions and activities aimed at facilitating conversations and getting students to think critically about the exhibition and its themes.